Tools to help you analyze ratings and respond to reviews for your App Store and Google Play apps in one console!
Convenient filters, templates, tags, uploading reviews to files
Convenient Dashboard, daily data for all countries and versions
Removed reviews, support responses, country and version ratings
Featured reviews in all countries that affect app conversion
Respond quickly to reviews to improve your rating
- Convenient filters, sorting, uploading reviews to a file
- Templates and tags for automated work
- Integration with Google Play Console and App Store Connect
Dashboard for quick analysis of user's mood
- Daily monitoring of the application
- Analyze ratings and reviews by day
- Current country rating
Track the dynamics of app reviews by day
- Distribution of reviews by country
- Dynamics of removal of reviews
- Monitoring support responses
Track the dynamics of ratings by day
- Distribution of ratings by country
- Rating by version
- Deleted ratings
Track reviews at the top of the app page that affect conversions
- Featured reviews in all countries
- Featured Review Position
- Data on when the review became Featured
Frequently asked questions about Crustinox tools
Featured reviews are user reviews that are displayed first on the app page in the App Store and Google Play and affect its conversion (since they are the first thing users pay attention to when they visit the app page). To track featured reviews, use the Featured Reviews tool in Crustinox.
Responses to reviews are direct contact with users, not only with one specific person who wrote a review but with everyone who will view the application page. About 80% of users read reviews, therefore they will see your responses. To respond to reviews, use the Reply to Reviews tool in Crustinox.
Feedback from users of your application (or competitors) is very useful information. Thanks to them, you can pick up ideas for new functionality in your application, find out bugs, or improve the onboarding of new users. To study the statistics of reviews on a daily basis, use the Review Charts tool in Crustinox.
App rating is the fastest indicator of the "health" of your app. If you have any bugs that the testers missed, reviews will quickly let you know about them. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the rating on a daily basis and keep your finger on the pulse. It is also very important to track ratings during the release of a new version in order to understand its effectiveness. To do this, use the Rating Charts tool in Crustinox.